If you have the surname "Cook-Abbott", or are a member of the wider family tree, and know the name of a deceased ancestor, you should be able to find them in the Ancestor Name Index. Click on the appropriate name to open their RiD page and then use the family member links explore your ancestry.

If you cannot find an ancestor in the Ancestor Name Index, then take a look through the "Family Groups" below and if you recognise yourself, or any close family members, click on the link(s) for that group to go to the RiD page of your nearest Cook-Abbott ancestor, and again use the family member links to explore. Be aware however that due to the large numbers of living ancestors (most of whom I am unaware of), not every living descendent will appear in a Family Group (or there may be no Family Group at all!)

If all else fails, or you have any questions, just drop me an email and I will do my best to point you in the right direction.

Finally, if you find this site interesting, and have any information, documents, photo's or just reminiscences you would like to share I would be delighted to hear from you.

Surnames in this group include:- COOK-ABBOTT, CLAYDON, MACKIE & CLARK

Individuals in this group include:-

Elaine (b 1966) / Laura (b 1993) / Raymond (b 1960) / Ruby (b 2013) / David (b 1957) Amber (b 1992) / Gracie (b 2019) / Lauren (b 1995) / Sian (b 1997) / Tracey (b 1972) Callie (b 2017) / Michael (b 1986) / Sarah (b 1988) / Clark (b 2017) / Jasmin (b 1993) James (b 1991) / Ryan (b 2000) / Benjamin (b 2020)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor
Click Here to go to the Robinson/Wilson line

Surnames in this group include:- COOK-ABBOTT, SKELTON, BAKER, DEBNAM & HEARN

Individuals in this group include:-

Michael (b 1947) / Laura (b 1993) / Bernadette (b 1947) / Ruby (b 2013)
Chloe (b 2007) / Keira (b 2005) / Gracie (b 2019) / Steven (b 1969) / Callie (b 2017) Michael (b 1986) / Sarah (b 1988) / Clark (b 2017) / Michaela (b 1965)
James (b 1993) / Marie (b 1967) / Benjamin (b 2020) / Stephen (b 1995)
Matthew (b 1993) / Jaya (b 1988) / Carl (b 1986)

Click Here to go to the Hearn line
Click Here to go to the Debnam line
Click Here to go to the Steed line
Click Here to go to the Flannagan line

Surnames in this group include:- COOK-ABBOTT & MURTAGH

Mark (b 1961) / Charlotte (b 2000) / Heidi (b 2002) / Thomas (b 2003) / Ross (b 1996) Siobhan (b 1964)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include:- HARRIS, STANFORD & HOWARD

Individuals in this group include:-

Beverley (b 1940) / Janice (b 1943) / Matthew (b 1966) / Jeremy (b 1968)
Oliver (b 1971) / Tristan (b 1972)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include:- SELVAGE, PROVART & MILLS

Individuals in this group include:-

Sabina (b 1980) / Bianca (b 1983) / Denise (b 1983) / Lyndsey (b 1949)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include :- DREHER, WATHEN, LANGLEY & MORLEY

Individuals in this group include :-

Geoffrey (b 1947) / Mark (b 1976) / Jamie (b 1980)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include:- NAYLOR, GENT, MARTIN, GERRY, COLCLOUGH & CORNES

Individuals in this group include:-

Gordon (b 1966) / Lorraine (b 1967) / Glen (b 1972) / Kia-Louise (b 2004)
Michael (b 1941) / Phillip (b 1946) / Ivor (b 1956) / Christopher (b 1964)
Samantha (b 1967) / Jacqui (b ?) / Daniel (b ?) / Rachael (b ?) / Joanna (b ?)
Paul (b ?) / Jean (b ?) / Kerry-Louise (b 1984) / Anna (b 1987) / Sharon (b 1958)
Jack (b 1991) / Tracy (b 1964) / Sonia (b 1983) / Nicola (b 1989) / Heidi (b 1993)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include :- FOSDIKE, SMITH, HART, WHATLING,

Individuals in this group include :-

Lea (b 2012) / Royce (b 1987) / Suzanne (b 1961) / Benjamin (b 1989)
Georgie (b 1991) / Sylvia (b 1934)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include:- MUNRO, BAILEY & MITCHELL

Individuals in this group include:-

Tellina (b 1960) / Jennifer (b 1940)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include:- COOK-ABBOTT & BRUCE

Individuals in this group include:-

Peter (b 1929) / Paul (b 1944)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include:- RIVERS & PLUMMER

Individuals in this group include:-

Jade (b ?) / Joseph (b 1941) / John (b 1944)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include:- AYLETT, COLLINS, ARTINGER & MERRIN

Individuals in this group include:-

Natalie (b 1969) / Nadine (b 1972) / Adhara (b 2007) / Monica (b 1942)
Amber (b 1975) / Ian (b 1977) / Tayha (b 2004) / Sierra (b 2005) / Kahiel (b 2007)
Robert (b 1946) / Stephen (b 2017) / Sebastian (b 2003) / Daisy (b 2006)
Kevin (b 1976)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include:- COOK-ABBOTT, DOUGLAS & RUMSEY

Individuals in this group include:-

Stephen (b 1959) / Mark (b 1961) / Christopher (b 1962) / Lynda (b 1968) / Sheila (b ?)
Phillip (b ?)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include:- WARWICK, GRAVES & ROE

Individuals in this group include:-

Lawrence (b 1939) / Gillian (b 1945) / Kathleen (b 1948)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include:- COOK-ABBOTT, ANTON, PACKMAN, & TURNER

Individuals in this group include:-

Jeremy (b 1959) / Tyler (b 1983) / Kearny (b 1991) / Dexter (b 1996) / Ian (b 1961)
Bebe (b 1998) / Jay (b 2004) / Joey (b 2004) / Beverley (b 1965)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor

Surnames in this group include:- HANLAN, TUCKER & SHAW

Individuals in this group include:-

Laurence (b 1957) / Lauretta (b 1958) / Michael (b 1960) / Andrew (b 1962)
Joyce (b 1935) / Stuart (b 1968) / Nicholas (b 1971) / Joanna (b 1974)
Brenda (b 1943)

Click Here to go to your Cook-Abbott ancestor