See also

Edmund C ABBOTT (1851-1871)

RiD No.: 727

Personal Details

Birth Q3 1851 Ipswich, Suffolk
Edmund's birth was registered in Ipswich, in September quarter 1851 . He was registered under his mothers maiden name (Harrison) but is given the "child" name of Edmund Abbott, which confirms that his parents (Edmund snr and Mary) were not married at the time of his birth. Edmund snr and Mary in fact married 2 years later.
Death Q1 1871 (age 19) Ipswich, Suffolk
The death of an Edmund Cook Abbott is registered in Ipswich in March quarter 1871 age 19. This matches this Edmund in terms of age and locataion, so is assumed correct until proved otherwise.

Other Details

Edmund was identified from the 1861 census as a 9 year old son of Edmund and Mary but his name is not clear on the census document. I believe it might be a shortened form of Edmund (Edmd) or just poor handwriting.

The transcript of the census shows both father and son as Edward, which is incorrect